Robertson 1938

1938 Camp Robertson

Description:       In addition to Camp Crowley which operated in the summer of 1938, we also had scouts attend another camping program at Bear Creek Lake which is about 7 miles west of Marianna, Arkansas for two weeks. This camp was named for one of the men who played a leading role in the founding of our council, General Elgan C. Robertson, of Marianna, Arkansas; Camp Robertson. The insignia issued for this camp was also a Blue felt arrowhead shape just like Camp Crowley used. The only difference in the patches for the two camps was in the wording for Camp Robertson. Next to the 1936 Camp Crowley insigina, this is probably the rarest issued for any of our camps.

Robert C. MacNab had come from Jasper, Alabama, to take over as our council executive in January 1938. He stepped forward to serve as camp director for both camps. His staff consisted of the same thirteen other scouts and leaders who served earlier that summer as the staff of Camp Crowley. About 100 scouts attended the camp.

Camp Location: Bear Creek Lake, Marianna, Arkansas.
Dates Operated: July 3 - 17, 1938.
Characteristics: Dark Blue or Green felt; Whitish printing.

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